How to Keep a Mummy (Miira no Kaikata) Wiki

Sora Kashiwagi is the protagonist of the series. He owns a mummy named Mii.


He has orange hair, golden eyes with an ahoge and he has average body type.


Sora is very caring and often puts himself in front of danger to spare others. Despite his cheery appearance, he often holds his thoughts to himself and doesn't push others to explain even when he notices others are hiding something from him.


Knowledge: Sora is a fount of knowledge in supernatural things and is often the one explaining things and solving problems for others.

Housekeeping: Sora is ridiculously good at cooking and sowing. Able to make food that looks straight out a high-class restaurant. He is also able to create clothes for the "pets" in a short time.



At first, Sora was suspicious of Mii-kun because of the previous things his father sent him. After learning that Mii-kun was harmless, he became affectionate to Mii-kun, always caring for him. Mii is not just a pet to him, but more like a family.

Tazuki Kamiya

Sora and Tazuki were best friends since childhood.

Motegi Asa

Motegi is in Sora's class. They are pretty friendly with each other, and she addresses him with "-chan" honorifics, even before she gets Isao.

Daichi Tachiaki

Despite Daichi's bad first impression, Sora still wanted to get to know him. They went to Daichi's house and talked about his problems. Daichi even said that no one's ever done that to him before.

Kaede Kashiwagi

Kaede is Sora's aunt, and is staying over at his house while Sora's father is in Egypt.

Mokuren Kashiwagi

Mokuren is Sora's father who works as a protector. He is rarely home but often tries to ship souvenirs to Sora which mostly turned out to be cursed, much to Sora's horror.


Pochi is Sora's dog.


Sora is the second strongest in their little group, right after Motegi.
