How to Keep a Mummy (Miira no Kaikata) Wiki

Tazuki Kamiya is one of the main characters and Sora's childhood friend. He owns an oni child named Conny.


Tazuki has blue hair as well as golden eyes. He has a lean built body and is taller than Sora.


Tazuki seems to differ from time to time. Often seen as a studious and mature of all the characters. Although being mostly emotionless he will sometimes show some feeling such as when he "adopted" Conny.


Sharp eyes: Tazuki has much better eyeslight than normal people, he can see tiny things far away, and he is also the only person dazed by Mii's "glowing" despite the wrapping wasn't fully unraveled yet.


Sora Kashiwagi

-A close comrade who seems to go to school with him. The two share experiences such as meeting their "pets". Tazuki is overprotective of Sora, glaring as soon as someone (read Daichi) tried to hurt Sora or threaten him. He has known Sora since preschool days.


-An oni child who he has adopted. He originally didn't want anything to do with Conny due to his experience in the past, but he gradually became to care for Conny and finally accept him as his family


-Tazuki originally found Mii fascinating and amusing to terrorize, but has come to find him "too cute" to do anything harmful to. That has not stopped him from wanting to still find out what's underneath the mummy bandages however.

Daichi Tachiaki

- Tazuki straight up hates Daichi at first for pushing Sora around and threatening him. It's unknown how they feel towards one another now. Friend of the friend sort of interactions start.
